Blog Post 007: Considerations When Applying for Away Rotations

Away rotations are one the most exciting times of a medical students career. It is an opportunity to explore your dream specialty/subspecialty in a new environment and see how it is practiced in different settings. It also allows you to demonstrate your candidacy to a program that you may find highly desirable to match into for residency.

The Application Process/Platform

Applying to away rotations involves using the VSLO system, where you’ll need documents from your school (transcripts/approval) as well as a CV, professional headshot, health records, and certifications (ACLS, etc). Have documents ready EARLY as these slots are very competitive and late applications may not get reviewed!

Choosing Programs

You will also need to choose which programs to apply to and for which time/rotation slots. There is a $15 fee to apply to each program. We recommend applying to approximately 10-15 programs to hopefully secure 3-4 rotations. Ultimately, apply to 75% or more programs that are target/safety for your educational background (MD vs DO) and specialty of choice. Apply to at least a handful of places that students from your school have matched into in the last few years. 

Applications to aways are reviewed differently at institutions. Some will give out slots on a rolling basis throughout the year, others will allocate all spots at once. It is frustrating but this is the game we have to play. Regardless, be sure to express interest in the programs you consider top choices by sending emails to program coordinators – follow up with them to ensure they are considering your application! 

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Special Considerations

Personal Statement Draft: Although not all programs ask for one, it is. a good idea to have a draft ready to adapt to different prompts. If a program does ask for a statement, they are usually asking for WHY you want to come rotate at THAT specific institution, so be sure to mention personal or professional ties to the program/region, mentors you have there, or anything else that would make you seem like a better fit for their program. 

Dual Applicants: If you are dual applying, be sure to focus on away rotations in your primary specialty first and foremost. It is ok to do 1 away in your backup specialty as well, these usually fly under the radar. Doing more than 1 away in a second specialty may raise flags during your application review. 

LORs: Some programs may request an LOR for their away rotation so be sure to accumulate 1-2 LORs during your clerkships so that you have one to send! 

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