10-30hrs USMLE/COMLEX Tutoring Package


Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Work 1:1 with one of our expert USMLE tutors who have scored 260+ on Step1/2CK to set yourself up for maximal success on the exam! Our advisors are experienced working with students for part 1 and 2 of the USMLE and COMLEX exams and are eager to work with you on exam strategy, content, and study planning.

Typically, first sessions are spent creating a study plan, schedule, and determining the type and frequency of resources to be utilized. Future sessions are dedicated to working on content integration and strategic approach to questions to refine your exam-taking skills.

This package includes 10-30 hours of 1:1 contact time with a tutor and thus has a discounted hourly rate.

Number of Tutoring Hours

10hrs, 20hrs, 30hrs

medical school USMLE tutoring10-30hrs USMLE/COMLEX Tutoring Package
$1,200.00$3,000.00Select options