It’s always nice to know who you are working with in any setting, and residency advising is no different. This post is to share a little bit about us with you so you can better understand the origin story of Matchpal and why we do what we do.
Matchpal was started because we recognized that the best advice comes from those that successfully navigated the process themselves and are passionate about working with and developing like-minded colleagues interested in the same line of work. As medical students, we saw the advantages that attending a “big name” medical school posed, and the inequities that existed in the road to residency if you went to a smaller, newer, or osteopathic school.
We also took a look at the resources available to students who did not have robust in-house advising and mentorship at their medical schools. They were often getting advice from staff with no personal experience in the residency match and usually, no medical training. This resulted in countless students failing board exams, or failing to match into their field of choice.
We hated this concept and we also hated how the only option was to shell out multiple thousands of dollars for overpriced packages from other advising companies which often provide guidance from retired physicians that are also removed from the match process.
In hopes of making a difference, Matchpal was born.
We are committed to providing the highest quality 1:1, specialty-specific mentorship, USMLE/COMLEX tutoring, and residency advising services at the lowest cost to medical students seeking to put their best foot forward in the residency application process. We want to limit the barriers to getting high quality, personalized guidance that is pertinent, up to date, and longitudinal.
We are extremely proud of our 100% match rate and are always excited to add new students to this cohort. If you are interested in any of our services, click the button below to schedule a free consultation with someone from our team to learn about how we can help you match your dream specialty.
Thanks for trusting us as your #1 source for all things residency. We wont let you down.