1 Hour Specialty-Specific Interview Preparation Session


Guaranteed Safe Checkout

Spend 1 hour working with a resident physician advisor in your future specialty practicing common residency interview questions and getting structured feedback so you crush it on your interview day! Our advisors are trained in teaching you how to sell your personal narrative and stand out on interview day. We have experience helping hundreds of students match into all subspecialties and ensure that your experience is unique to a real interview day you can expect from a residency program. Your advisor will review your application and PS ahead of time and prepare specific questions to ask you.

This session comes with our interview prep guide PDF as well as a worksheet to structure and organize your responses.

The session is subdivided into two components: 30 minutes of formal mock interview followed by 30 minutes of debrief/feedback. Please select your preferred date – final session date/time is to be confirmed with your advisor.

interview preparation for residency1 Hour Specialty-Specific Interview Preparation Session